Give – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What platform does ODCC use for online giving?
ODCC uses Subsplash, a secure giving platform, to host online giving.

Do I need to create a Subsplash account to give?
Yes! Creating a Subsplash account will allow you to edit your account, view your giving history, edit payment methods, and manage your recurring gifts. You will be asked to create an account upon your first transaction.

How can I access my Subsplash account?
Please navigate to the giving application and press the "Log in or sign up" icon in the top-right corner to sign in.

How can I edit my Subsplash account?
To edit your personal information, email address, and/or password, sign in to your Subsplash account and press “Edit your profile information”.

How can I manage my recurring gifts?
Sign in to your Subsplash account and change your setting under "Frequency".

Help! I forgot my Subsplash account password!
Please navigate to the giving application and press the "Log in or sign up" icon in the top-right corner. Then, press the “Forgot password?” link and follow the instructions to reset your password.

Why was my charge declined?
ODCC and Subsplash do not decline any charges. Please reach out to the financial institution of the payment method for support.

I submitted an incorrect transaction. How can I request a refund?
Refunds are available. Please note that refunds can only be made in the full amount, and can only be returned to the original payment method. If you would like a refund, please email us at to reach out to us, or speak to any of the leaders at our church and we’ll be glad to assist you! (Note: if you have initiated a chargeback with your financial institution, please reach out to us for any assistance.)

Is Subsplash down?
Please visit for system status updates.

I still have issues. Who can I contact for help?
Please visit the Subsplash support site for additional information. In addition, please email us at to reach us, or speak to any of the leaders at our church and we’ll be glad to assist you!